Lavender Earl Grey

Lavender Earl Grey


This is one delicious herbal black tea blend! The floral note of organic lavender just kisses the rich Bergamot flavor. So, we blend fair trade Earl Grey with pungent organic lavender. It's completely herbal with no artificial flavors or additives! This pungent Earl Grey turns deep red when steeped and is quite potent! It's excellent for making a teapot to share with friends. Earl grey contains caffeine, so this could be your new tasty morning caffeine fix. The average supermarket 'Lady Grey" has never tasted this good. Best part? We never source tea from China.

One serving is about one tablespoon or what you can steep it in a stainless steel tea ball. Can be reboiled and enjoyed twice. 
Only 100% Organic, non-irradiated, GMO-free, fair trade herbs make it into our home apothecary. 

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